Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion de Nabeul
Mot de passe

Mastère Professionel Marketing Touristique

Economie et Stratégie des destinations

Pré-requis scientifiques

General knowledge on ICTs are much appreciated.


Sensitize students to the influence of ICTs in promoting tourism.

Integrate new skills about ICTs in the field of marketing and tourism.

Provide students with a big picture on current and future trends in tourism informatics including visual recommender systems, social communities, and user interface design.

Plan de cours

1. ICTs Revolutionizing Tourism
1. 1. Introduction
1. 2. Technological developments
1. 3. ICT empowered change
1. 4. Strategies for e-Tourism in the future
1. 5. IT trends and implications for tourism
2. Travel Recommender Systems for E-Tourism
3. Social Communities in E-Tourism
4. User Interface Aspects of E-Tourism
5. Tourism Marketing Information System

Supports de cours

(Invisible au public)


  • Tourism Management Dynamics: Trends, management, and tools, Dimitrios Buhalis and Carlos Costa, Elsevier, 2006.
  • Marketing in Travel and Tourism, Victor T. C. Middleton, Alan Fyall and Michael Morgan, Elsevier (fourth edition), 2009.
  • Tourism Informatics: Visual Travel Recommender Systems, Social Communities, and User Interface Design, Nalin Sharda, Information science reference, 2010.
  • Knowledge Management in Hospitality and Tourism, Ricarda B. Bouncken and Sungsoo Pyo, The Haworth Hospitality Press, 2002.


Organisation pédagogique

42 heures de cours

Modalités d'évaluation

Régime mixte

Liens Internet utiles

Auteur de la page : Faten Essid - Dernière mise à jour : 6 mai 2011 à 23h32

Activités culturelles